What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Chocolate Bayou Worship Center is a very embracing church. Although we believe the Scriptures are the final authority in all doctrine, we also understand that we are all in various places in our journey with God. This means we are all growing in our knowledge of who God is. We are ever growing in our comprehension of His glorious nature and attributes. We conclude that all who are following Jesus Christ are growing in their understanding of His Word and its application. While we know Truth is not open to private interpretation, we must be merciful to one another as we are under the tutorship of the Holy Spirit both corporately and individually.

“In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Love.”

In Essentials Unity: Essentials are absolutes, not open for private interpretation.
We must have unity in the understanding that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and that our salvation is not awarded on our merit. We also understand that we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. God has a purpose in our salvation and His purpose is not denied in those who are  saved.

We acknowledge the Scriptures as the infallible, divinely inspired Word of God and the final authority in all matters.

We follow Jesus in proclaiming to the world their need to choose Christ of their own free will, and disciple those who do.

We believe there are three that bear witness in heaven: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.

In Non-Essentials Unity: Non -essentials are not detrimental to the Gospel nor Christian fellowship.

Our church family consist of people in various places in their walk with God, who have different understandings about Eternal Security, Final Judgement, Eschatology, Spiritual Gifts, etc. These are areas where grace is abundant to one another as we are all at liberty to submit our understanding to and through enlightenment from the Holy Spirit in His time, not one another’s agenda.

In All Things Love:

While many are teaching false doctrines out of ignorance or neglect, regardless of anyone’s origin or intention, we love as Christ loved. This includes those who persecute us, oppose us, or drive nails in the hands of Jesus. He loves them, and we are His followers in loving them also.

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